
Spring Break with the Horses - Wool Felt Pony Puppets

$ 495 usd
+ available add-ons
Mon, Mar 24, 2025, 9:00 AM PDT – Fri, Mar 28, 2025, 1:00 PM PDT
A Lotte Horses, 5634 Wheeler Canyon Rd, Santa Paula, CA, USA Map
Spring Break with the Horses - Wool Felt Pony Puppets

Learn to ride and care for the horses, collaborate and create Waldorf inspired seasonal craft projects during our week. We will be making wool felt pony puppets!

Mornings 9am-1pm
OPTIONAL: extend days until 3pm, add $175 for the week, ages 7+ ONLY
OPTIONAL: extend days until 3pm and ride a second time each day, add $300

Each day we begin as one, reviewing safety and connecting through games and activities. We care for the horses and ponies and learn to groom, tack and have a riding lesson.

While some ride, others have time to snack, connect and watch others ride, and work on a craft project.

Ages 5-14

Our programs are led by certified Waldorf teachers and expert riding instructors.



Heather Ofitserov


Sushila Wood


Contact us


A Lotte Horses, 5634 Wheeler Canyon Rd, Santa Paula, CA, USA


  • Camps & Holiday Programs
  • Featured
  • Beginner Riders (ages 5+)
  • Beginner to Independent Riders (ages 7+)